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Designed for the vault of La Grande Epicerie Paris. Since September 2017, number 80 rue de Passy has hosted, on the right bank of the Seine, in the heart of the 16th arrondissement of Paris, the second Grande Epicerie
from Paris.

Property of Bon Marché (LVMH Group). Complementing the First Grande Epicerie of Paris located on the left bank of the river, the version on the right bank of the Seine River has a restaurant at the top of the building, which required raising the existing roof and its majestic glass dome several meters.

The property received renovation permission for the roof elevation works under the condition of a rigorous recreation of the same original appearance of the vault, dating from the beginning of the 20th century composed of glass ingots.

A new original glass prism was recreated, identical in all details, appearance and dimensions to that of the time. Detailed work carried out by the hands of expert craftsmen.

Thanks to the great experience and professionalism of the oldest glassworks in France, La Rochere and its skilled craftsmen, it has been possible to carry out this project that only seeing it in person can transmit the emotion that our predecessors may have felt at the beginning of the 20th century and that we all, even today, can experience every time we look up when we meet here.
